
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

USA Trip May 2024 - Personal Tour - San Francisco - Palace of Fine Arts 藝術宮

Palace of Fine Arts

The Palace of Fine Arts is a monumental structure located in the Marina District of San Francisco, California, originally built for the 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition to exhibit works of art. It was constructed from concrete and steel, and the building was claimed to be fireproof.

The Palace is the only remaining structure from 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, a historic World's Fair-style event that put San Francisco back on the map as a major global city after the devastation of the 1906 earthquake and fire.

Originally built for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exhibition, The Venue at Palace of Fine Arts is now available for corporate events, private galas, trade shows, weddings, and other events in need of a large space.

Is the Palace of Fine Arts free? Yes. The park surrounding the Palace of Fine Arts is free to visit, making this an inexpensive addition to your tour of San Francisco. Certain exhibits and shows at the location may have a fee.
The Palace of Fine Arts grounds cover 17 acres and include a small lagoon that takes about 10-15 minutes to walk around. On one side of the lagoon is a grassy lawn and on the other is a large rotunda — the most noticeable and famous feature of the complex — with a row of columns.
藝術宮(英語:Palace of Fine Arts)位於美國加州舊金山海港區,是一座建於1915年的紀念性建築物,最初是為了在巴拿馬太平洋萬國博覽會中展示藝術作品而建造的。
中文名. 舊金山藝術宮 · 外文名. San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts · 地理位置. 美國舊金山 · 建立時間. 1915年 · 遊客容量. 1800萬 · 建築師. 梅貝克.
艺术宫(英语:Palace of Fine Arts)位于美国加州旧金山海港区,是一座建于1915年的纪念性建筑物,最初是为了在巴拿马太平洋万国博览会中展示艺术作品而建造的。

艺术宫,位于美国加州旧金山海港区,是一座建于1915年的纪念性建筑,最初是为了在巴拿马太平洋世界博览会中展示艺术作品而建造的。这是博览会少数仅存的保留于原址的建筑物 ...


在舊金山北部沿海的Marina District海港區有一片自成一體的華麗建築。作為1915年慶祝巴拿馬運河通航為舉辦的"巴拿马太平洋万国博览会"的僅存遺跡, 藝術宮見證了Marina District海港區從一個小漁村到如今完善成熟的居民區的歷史進程。


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