
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

USA Trip May 2024 - Personal Tour - San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge 金門大橋

Golden Gate Bridge 金門橋

Suspension bridge in San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Brg, San Francisco, CA, United States

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.


金門大橋(Golden Gate Bridge),又稱金門海峽大橋,是美國境內連接舊金山市區和北部的馬林郡的跨海通道,位於金門海峽之上,是美國舊金山市的主要象徵。

金门大桥 (The Golden Gate Bridge) 的桥塔高 746 英尺/227 米,耸入云宵。大桥横跨旧金山湾湾口,全桥呈火红色,风光迷人。

 既然全桥都是红色的,那么为何它叫金门呢?是不是想破脑袋也不知何解?让我们来看看答案。人们普遍认为,旧金山湾湾口海峡(也就是金门大桥所跨水域)被早期探险家 John C. Fremont 名为 Chrysopylae(希腊语金门之意)。(Fremont 船长认为湾口海峡看上去像伊斯坦布尔一条名为 Chrysoceras [意即金色号角”]的海峡),因而以桥所跨水域之名为桥命名,再合理不过。而为何桥是深红色的呢? 这完全是意外惊喜。桥初建好时,桥身上的钢铁仅涂了一层红色底漆。一位顾问工程师喜欢桥这时的状态,建议保留红色,并协助确定大桥最后的油漆颜色。


这种颜色的专业名称叫国际橙,不论如何,驾车、步行或骑自行车通过这条 1.7 英里/2.7 千米长的大桥时,这种颜色都非常惹人注目。但请注意,桥上可能寒风刺骨,特别是起雾时(通常是夏季),因此记得加件衣服,戴上帽子或头巾,做好保暖工作。大桥附近有许多自行车出租公司(最受欢迎的两家是 Blazing Saddles San Francisco Bicycle Rentals);大多数自行车都配备详细线路地图,指引您从旧金山跨过大桥抵达对岸与马林县 (Marin County) 毗邻的索萨利托 (Sausalito)、蒂布龙 (Tiburon) 等田园小镇。(返程时可搭乘当地渡船,更多乐趣。) 大桥南段(靠近城市的一侧)有一家不错的礼品店和一家咖啡馆,还可沿着小路游览历史悠久的堡垒岬堡 (Fort Point),岬堡建于 1861 年,还未修建金门大桥时,这个岬堡用于保护金门。您可在岬堡处抬望大桥下部,大梁、柱子、缆索,蔚为壮观
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
Acclaimed as one of the world's most beautiful bridges, there are many different elements to the Golden Gate Bridge that make it unique. With its tremendous towers, sweeping cables, and great span, the Bridge is a sensory beauty and engineering wonder featuring color, sound and light.
Do you know why the Golden Gate Bridge has its iconic name? The answer might surprise you. Rather than being named for the area's association with the Gold Rush, it's actually named for the water that runs beneath it—The Golden Gate Strait.

The Golden Gate Bridge stands at the entrance to California's San Francisco Bay as a symbol of American ingenuity and resolve, having been constructed during the era of the Great Depression.

5 Fun Facts About the Golden Gate Bridge
  • The bridge is actually not golden at all! It's a bright red-orange.
  • It was named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
  • It took four years to build.
  • There are approximately 600,000 rivets in each of the bridge's towers.
  • It's the most photographed bridge in the world.

Early History of Golden Gate Bridge

The rise in popularity of the automobile, the expanding population of San Francisco, the beaches and other attractions to the north, and the limitations of the ferry system all contributed to the proposal to build a bridge across the Golden Gate.

California is recognized as The Golden State for various reasons: it's an homage to the Golden Gate Bridge, the natural beauty of the state, and the Gold Rush. The Golden Gate Bridge spans across the San Francisco Bay. This bridge is a famous landmark and built in the 1930's.





There are 2 Key Bridge in San Francisco Area :

The Golden Gate Bridge is more famous than the Bay Bridge for several reasons:

  1. Iconic Design: The Golden Gate Bridge is known for its distinctive orange color, Art Deco design, and elegant suspension structure, making it an iconic symbol of San Francisco and a masterpiece of engineering. Its unique appearance has captured the imagination of people around the world.
  2. Scenic Location: The Golden Gate Bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, a narrow body of water connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Its location offers stunning views of the San Francisco skyline, Alcatraz Island, and the surrounding natural beauty, making it a popular destination for tourists and photographers.
  3. Historical Significance: The Golden Gate Bridge was completed in 1937 and was the longest suspension bridge in the world at that time. Its construction was a remarkable engineering feat and a symbol of American innovation and progress during the Great Depression.
  4. Pop Culture and Media: The Golden Gate Bridge has been featured in numerous movies, TV shows, and works of art, further cementing its status as a cultural icon. Its appearance in popular culture has helped to enhance its fame and recognition worldwide.

In contrast, the Bay Bridge, while also an important structure connecting San Francisco to Oakland, does not have the same level of recognition and fame as the Golden Gate Bridge. The Bay Bridge consists of two spans, the older eastern span and the newer western span, and is primarily known for its role in facilitating transportation between different parts of the Bay Area.

Overall, the Golden Gate Bridge's unique design, scenic location, historical significance, and cultural impact have contributed to its greater fame and recognition compared to the Bay Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge

  • Construction started: January 5, 1933
  • Opened to public: May 27, 1937

Bay Bridge

  • Construction started: July 9, 1933
  • Opened to public: November 12, 1936

The Bay Bridge was completed a few months earlier than the Golden Gate Bridge, despite starting construction later. This fact is primarily due to the greater complexity and challenges involved in the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The Bay Bridge is significantly longer and includes more structural diversity than the Golden Gate Bridge. However, the Golden Gate Bridge has a longer single span and taller towers.

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