
Monday, January 1, 2024

Türkiye (Turkey Xmas Trip 2023) - Day 1 (23 DEC2023) : Flying with SQ from Penang - Singapore - Turkiye

Türkiye 土耳其圣诞假期

Turkey, officially the Republic of Türkiye, is a country located at the juncture of Southeast Europe and West Asia. It is mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in West Asia, with a small portion called East Thrace on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. 
Capital: Ankara
Currency: Turkish lira
Official language: Turkish
Government: Republic, Representative democracy, Parliamentary system, Unitary state, Presidential system, Parliamentary republic
Dialing code: +90
Population: 84.78 million (2021) World Bank

Turkey, country that occupies a unique geographic position, lying partly in Asia and partly in Europe. Throughout its history it has acted as both a barrier and a bridge between the two continents.

State Government: Turkey is a republican parliamentary democracy. Turkey is the only country with a Muslim majority population (99.8%) that operates under a secular constitution and a democratic government.

Islam is the largest religion in Turkey. More than 99 percent of the population is Muslim, mostly Sunni. Christianity (Oriental Orthodoxy, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic) and Judaism are the other religions in practice, but the non-Muslim population declined in the early 2000s.

For the last century it has been the Republic of Turkey. For more than 500 years before that it was formally called the Ottoman Empire and informally Turkey.

The Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in World War I (1914–18); postwar treaties dissolved the empire, and in 1922 the sultanate was abolished by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who proclaimed the Republic of Turkey the following year. In 1923, the modern Turkish Republic, established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, replaced the Ottoman state.

Republic Day is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923. The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October and continue for 35 hours.

Türkiye 土耳其圣诞假期 - Currency Conversion Rate


23/12/2023 星期六
6.15pm  在新加坡航空柜台
Assemble time
23 December 2023 Saturday
6.15pm at Singapore Airlines counter

Flight Detail :
PEN/SIN SQ141 23DEC 2115 2240
SIN/IST SQ392 24DEC 0150 0825
IST/SIN SQ391 31DEC 1325 0445
SIN/PEN SQ132 01JAN 0750 0920

MESSAGE FROM ROY CHEONG (Our Tour Guide from Forever Travel - 永乐旅游
大家好:Good day everyone

我是 Roy , 你们23/12/2023 到 01/01/2024 10天 土耳其 伊斯坦堡之旅的領队.很高兴能帶領各位畅游土耳其
I'm Roy your Tour Leader to Turkiye Istanbul on 23/12/2023 to 01/01/2024 10 days
Glad to lead the tour to Turkiye

Below are  some reminders to prepare:
1) 每人一件25kg 托运行李箱 和一个手提不超过7公斤
Check in luggage max 25kg /pax. Hand carry luggage max 7kg/pax
2) 所有液体超过100豪升,雨伞,自拍杆必须托运
All types of liquid more than 100ml, umbrella and selfie stick must check in
Prepare USD and Lira in Malaysia
Hard to locate money changer while on tour
Bring  international multiple power adapter
5)电池有关的东西和充电宝必须手提 不可寄仓 充电宝不可超过 20,000mA. 否则海关知充公.
Battery and Power bank to hand carry and not more than 20,000mA, otherwise custom may confiscate
6) 大概白天气温摄氏12度左右,晚间会比较冷大概4度左右
Istanbul temperature around 12 degree celcius , at night around 4 degree celcius
7) 请准备 Please prepare
羽绒服 Winter Jacket
手套 Gloves
帽子 Hat
润肤露 Lotion 
牙膏牙刷 Toothpaste, toothbrush
墨镜 Sun Glasser 
头巾 Scarf ( visit Mosque)
Thermo Flask 保温瓶
8)如有服用药物,请随身携带,放在hand carry包包
        Medications -headache/stomach-ache/gastric/travel-sickness/long term medicament (please hand carry)

     All electromagnetic stuffs/batteries(please handcarry)

10) 违禁品prohibited items

11) 这团人数为27人 Number of pax 27
Any inquiries please call me...
016-4821188 Roy Cheong
The contact number of  Turkish tour guide
Mr Abdullah Erdogan (Nick Name - APO)
+90 506 270 7642

Our Turkiye trip began from Penang airport.......two BIG luggage with us....
One Big and One Medium size
Window shopping at Penang Airport :

Check in the plane now (From Penang to Singapore)...

OMG - connecting flight delay for 4 HOURS.....what to do?!

Checking for the latest connecting flight detail now....
Compensation gift voucher from SQ (Each person SGD$15)
Can we buy LV with SGD$15 X 2 voucher here?

The shop told purchase only can apply one gift voucher (not allowing consolidate two vouchers into one single receipt).
LT want to but BACHA COFFEE for her brother.....
I just want to take picture here.

Colorful shop deco.



Tired for the 4 hour delays.....

Looking for a space for short nap......before flight resume by 6am later (original schedule ~2AM) ...

Singapore Changi Airport Xmas deco -

My sleeping corner identified :

We moved to better place for part II napping location :
Let her smell my HONG KONG LEG!
LV in front of me?!
Show time....apa ini pula?
Our journey 6am.....

Others - Changi SQ Vouchare SGD$15 X 2, shopping receipt

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