
Thursday, January 18, 2024

D' Việt House - Juru Auto-city Penang

D' Việt House - Juru Auto-city Penang

Juru Auto-city, Unit FO-B1, Plot 3, Jalan Perusahaan Auto-city North-South Highway Interchange, 13600 Perai, Pulau Pinang

We have friends lunch gathering today.  Irene date me and ON!

Extraordinary tasty , food are delicious , the signature Vietnamese soup are nice , the big combo plate are superb , fantastic with that Chili paste …super ..

A place where you can sharing great time, great food and beautiful moments with your family, friends & your loved one.

在槟城就能吃到正宗的越南餐║DViệt House 】 位于大山脚Juru Auto City,当地的繁华地带!
We tried to enjoy a good VIETNAMESE cuisine today.
Coozy place indeed.
Nice landscape of restuarant. Vietnam cuisine - 我们来包场啦!!!
D' Việt House MENU 1
D' Việt House MENU 2
可这家菜单上的一系列越南料理都极为诱人,看起来都好好吃,也没有我印象中的那么「吃(蔬)草(菜)」。我与友人各点了道越式香茅烤鸡檬粉、越式春卷和香茅 ...

IRENE order this - lemongrass fried chicken...she told us...this is what she is normally order here.  Best of the best......
BG and myself would like their SPRING ROLL noodle.....
Oop...meeting old friend - KH Lee
D' Việt House - BG is the super model today.... with VIETNAME black coffee.....
D' Việt House
价钱也不会定太高~ DViệt House - Auto-City ... 如果不懂今天吃什么?D Viet House是不错选择嘛~ 

D' Việt House Bill #

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