
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pathlab Butterworth Visit

Brought LY for annual Pathlab Butterworth medical checking.

Great to see the road sign board with Multi Languages...demonstrating PERPADUAN / UNITY of Malaysia culture!
Bagan Luar Street Art

Lacking of Maintenance

Meeting 小肥黄 on the street just now..........
Very awesome color of FLOWERS...
Morning road condition - 通顺无比!

New Chai Chapati Cafe going to open tomorrow - 27 NOV 2022...I love CHAPATI!
See many breakfast shop kopitiam here........
But I do not take beef,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Char Kuey Teow?  I love it...will plan to eat next time!
Let me take BAS BAGAN today -->
Pathlab Souvenir ... 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

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