
Saturday, November 12, 2022

FlexSing Tour Group (FTG) - Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - One of the most authentic nyonya cuisine.

 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery outlook :
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery
Very British Colonial Building....................................
 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery :

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Long queue.......we need to wait for 30 minutes....

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - ChitChat.....😗😗😗😗😗😗😗
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery
We queue outside :

 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery -  CROWDED!!💥💥💥💥💥
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - HUNGRY leoh!!

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Golden SPOON and FORK!!😂😂😂
 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Tummis Fish
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Nasi Ulam
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Beef Rendang

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Fried Sambal Kangkung

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Asam Prawn
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Telur Belanda

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Smell Good!!!

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Receipt :

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