
Saturday, July 8, 2023

IPOH July 2023 Trip Day 2 - Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites (Day Time) & Ipoh Breakfast

IPOH - Good Morning 早安怡保

We are here (City centre) for morning breakfast.  Authentic Orang Ipoh punya breakfast.
IPOH - Paris Restaurant 巴黎茶餐室(休罗街客家面)
IPOH - Paris Restaurant 巴黎茶餐室(休罗街客家面)

Paris Restaurant 巴黎茶室 (巴黎茶室)

190, Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Taman Jubilee, 31650 Ipoh, Perak
怡保著名巴黎餐室宴友居客家面Ipoh Famous Paris Restaurant Hakka. 这档休罗街客家面是很風味客家面釀豆腐, 一碗客家面,黑麻麻的肉碎再配上豬肉丸、

巴黎餐室宴友居客家面Paris Restaurant Hakka Mee. 到位于休罗街巴黎餐厅,品尝一碗简单却美味的客家面吧!这里的面条有嚼劲,配上肉糜,好吃!!


怡保美食经典回顾古早味美食- 半生熟鸡蛋配加雅面包。。。

怡保美食经典回顾古早味美食祖 Hakka Noodle


Not manage to task XIN QUANG FANG

Restoran Xin Quan Fang (新泉芳咖哩面茶餐室)

We are too full today.

Restoran Xin Quan Fang has been around for over fifty years and is known to serve one of the best curry noodles in Ipoh.
Restoran Xin Quan Fang is located at 174 Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Taman Jubille, 30000 Ipoh and is open daily from 0730-1200.
GERBANG MALAM (Night Market in Ipoh)

Guan Heong Biscuit Shop (源香饼铺)
Guan Heong Biscuit Shop (源香饼铺) - HONOR AWARD

Another famous - 

Ching Han Guan 鍾漢元

Part II - Breakfast at Kafe Happy City

乐满宸茶餐室Happy City Cafe (怡保大树脚) | Ipoh

乐满宸茶餐室Happy City Cafe
Chee Choong Fan
乐满宸茶餐室Happy City Cafe - Fried Stuffs
乐满宸茶餐室Happy City Cafe
Second Round Breakfast

乐满宸茶餐室Happy City Cafe
Very Full Leoh!!


Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites opposite : KINTA RIVER WALK

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites - Kinta River?!

I LOVE IPOH 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites Lobby
Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites Fitness Centre / Gym

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites - The MARMAID POOL
Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites - The Hotel Swimming Pool

Kinta Riverfront Hotel & Suites - BYE!!

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