
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Taiwan Trip - Friday Fun

Start the day with this new machine in the HOTEL FITNESS CENTRE...
This machine is very unique.... it operate?!
Need to do some weight lifting by machine...since I am tuapui now!
Heading to the lunch meeting..........................
This is a good meeting indeed!!
Some souvenir -
Nice packaging........
Xmas decoration....I would like to deliver it to my taiwan office team member...heee!
Friend Souvenir....
Meeting with Colleen

Robin and Craig
Robin and BeeHoon
My good buddy.......
Nice gathering...and meeting......

Without mask...............
ROBIN - souvenir to us.............................
VC also deliver us some pipeapple tart......
VC is too nice........a real gentleman boss I have ever met in my past career history.......
There is too many thing that I can learn from him.  Sincerely giving him my 100% respect.....

Party Time by TDC Team -

HK Partner?!

CHABO TEAM in Taiwan...................



TAIPEI MAIN STATION - X'mas decoration .....

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