
Saturday, February 5, 2022

CNY Day 5 - Papa BD (Father Birthday 正月初五)

CNY Day 5 - As usual...this is the day which we will have father BD lunch....
This time, we have Krispy Kreme Doughnuts voucher for special deal purchase...haaaa!
First time to purchase KRISPY KREME Doughnuts.........(Sunway Carnival)
I am calling Mr Saiful (The manager) of this outlet in order to exercise this voucher indeed....haaaa..............

The doughnuts really delicious!
What to buy?
I love the KIT KAT Doughnut...taste good!! Premium taste......
Original Glazed Doughnut
Queue to pay.........................
We bought EMPIRE SUSHI as well...............

See ORDER details# 

EMPAT SEKAWAN TOTAL BILL# (Buying on line from Whatsapp)

Pick up the food by 12.15PM today...............
Many food ordered...................
Taste Superb!!
Before start...let have a good picture first:

This is best photo :
Teh Jing Yang 郑景扬 look shock to see full table of food here :
We have auntie Poh Chee delicious Red Bean Dessert as well...........
Everyone.....not really photogenic leh............
This is sui jin jin dessert...i love it so much.....
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Look tempted ....right?!
Birthday Cake - Summer Bakery : 
Mama eat on behalf since papa.....going up to take a nap...haaaa!
I am on the picture now......manage the cake for Jing Yang....
Happy Birthday Papa (on behalf - MAMA will take the lead here...)
LY also love to eat DOUGHNUTS....especially branded one......
Jing Yang and LY................
Fatty Jing Yang......
What Jing Yang looking at?!
Hugging Jing Yang at dining room........
10KG Jing Yang now.....
Ah Huat / Hew family photo :
All look BULAT BULAT .........

Papa with grandson......
Jing Yang is hero this year..........
Full attention from Teh Family :
Look smart...................................

## SUMMER DESSERT BAKERY  (Chai Leng Park) - Member day purchase today - CNY Day 5 (Day 5 each month is Summer Dessert Bakery member day) :
2.)Papa Birthday Cake
3.)Osaka Cake
4.)Breakfast / lunch and dinner.....

Many many ROTI for our meal serving..................haaaa!

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