
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hospital Lam Wah Ee - Health Screening Package Tour

I am attending to a health screening package at Hospital Lam Wah Ee this year.

This is a very warming and kind hospitality medical centre in Penang.

Health Screening Centre located at 7th Floor.

Kindly proceed to 7th Floor Health Screening Centre.


Press ‘6 ‘ at the Queue Machine for booking queue number.


Fasting is required from 10 pm the night before screening.


Please wear comfortable clothing and sport shoes for exercise stress test.


Operating hours:


  • Mon- Fri ( 7.30am - 4pm )
  • Sat ( 7.30am - 12pm )
  • Sun & PH ( close )
You have to make an appointment ON LINE (Lam Wah Ee Website).
Under pandemic - additional form need to fill up :

After blooding / urine taken, simple food will be served.
What is the simple offered - breakfast?  See below -
Advertisement Board :
Diabetes is dangerous poster -->

Health Screen Package - 
Dr Tee serving me...........
Health Screening Package 1:
Health Screening Package 2:

Health Screening Package Doctor Incharge : DR Tee Seng Wee
I have a good friend name TEE and I also a good friend located in Singapore name Seng Wee.  Both friends name appearing on my doctor name....haaa!

InBody Result :
Health Screening Package Bill :

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