
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆

 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆 :
We would like to taste a real authentic nyonya cuisine in we are heading to one of the popular nyonya food cuisine restaurant in Penang today.....
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆
Location : Close to HSBC Bank area in Penang (Not far from Ferry Terminal)

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆
We are their FIRST TABLE of customer today.

 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery (Nyonya Food Cuisine) - Penang 娘惹餐馆
 FULL OF NYONYA STYLE of restaurant decoration.
 Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - MENU
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - MENU

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - walk around and snap the picture :
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - - I believe she is MAKCIK GAIK LEAN (chichat with her friend now....)
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - SELFIE
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - OLD CLOCK :

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - WE LOVE THE FOOD HERE...

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - I am coming today...

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - playing handphone now!
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - LY ART JOB by S8 Phone:

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - LY own selfie:

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - from INSIDE to OUTSIDE

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - KOTONG:

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - another old stuffs.....
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - very old style of tile....
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Food Served
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - EGG BELANDA....I love it so much!
Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Kapitan Chicken....very unique lovely herb and spice smell from the curry....

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - Fried Kangkung with taste!

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - All we have today

Auntie Gaik Lean's old school eatery - FOOD RECEIPT :

OTHER : We have seen a couple enjoy with their wedding photo session...........corner from the restaurant...

1 comment:

  1. planning for melaka trip next month and i'm gonna include this into my visit spot other than the rest of the nyonya food place in melaka that i found :)
