
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

XING FU TANG 幸福堂(陈家)奶茶 Icon City

XING FU TANG 幸福堂(陈家)奶茶

Do not asking me why....there is a long queue in front of the shop (just solely selling the 珍珠奶茶)?

Only special in this shop is --> You can pray for a lucky draw....if you win for TICKET NUMBER 1.  Free one cup of 奶茶....mmmh....mhhhhh

Can you imagine...these people crazy for 奶茶?

奶茶...奶茶...奶茶....after queue to pay...queue to collect...........OMG!

奶茶QUEUE never stop.................

奶茶 on "FIRE"?!

奶茶 selling point - -> AUTHENTIC BROWN SUGAR!!

奶茶 make you happy?!  Sorry...I am not believe that...haaa!

This is the LUCKY DRAW PAPER -

奶茶...奶茶 幸福堂
幸福堂....NUMBER 1 in TAIWAN for 奶茶

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