
Sunday, September 1, 2024

USA Austin - Intransit to SFO Airport

 Reaching SFO (San Francisco) Airport.

A crowded airport

SFO Airport Map - we are walking long way to Terminal 3 G Gate for SQ Airline

Make Up Stuff - Auto Seller Machine _ Kioask
SFO Airport

SFO Shops
ISTORE / BOSE - Kioask
I want to buy BOSE product
BH bz compare the chocolate price!
I see Luthansa Airplane here.

Our Dinner in SFO Airport - Tomokazu
What does tomokazu mean?
友和, "friend, harmony"
Two sisters....sibuk makan

Tomokazu - My dinner bill :

See what we can buy?
Check In Counter
Business Class?
Who's son?!
Boarding SQ Plane Now!
SQ PLANE monitor showing a welcome aboard message -
Curi tengok apa?
Plane Dinner
Plane Breakfast


SQ Plane Toilet - Too Small for me!!
I just realize that the PLANE TOILET in middle is slightly bigger than toilets located in side of plane 😀😀😀😀😀
I am not really enjoy my biz on any plane toilet.

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