
Sunday, August 18, 2024

715 Praying Event - 中元节 Hungry Ghost Festival 2024

The Ghost Festival or Hungry Ghost Festival, also known as the Zhongyuan Festival in Taoism and the Yulanpen Festival in Buddhism, is a traditional festival held in certain East and Southeast Asian countries. According to the Chinese calendar, the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh month. 


每年农历七月十五日为“盂兰盆节”,也称“中元节”有些地方又州俗称“鬼节”,“施孤”。 本是印度一种佛教仪式。 佛教徒为了追荐祖先举行“盂兰盆会”;佛经中《盂兰盆经》以修孝顺励佛弟子的旨意,合乎中国追先悼远的俗信,于是益加普及

Praying Lunch Presentation
Mama / Papa House
After praying, lunch session start......
Big Lunch 💃💃💃💃
1.)Sambal Petai Prawn
2.)Curry Stingray
3.)Fried Taufu
7.)Fried Veggie
8.)Black Sauce Pork
Everyone bz preparing to start our lunch now!
JOM makan 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Thumbs Good!💣💣💣💣💣💣
Give me 5 !!!  😱😱😱😱😱


CUTE Crab?! Cute CRAD?! 💥💤💢


Few days ago, same praying....this is Ah Mah Death Date Anniversary Event.
Photo credited to LY.
I am not joining the event since I am working hard........😊😊😊😊😊

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