
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sticker Remover - My Back Door

 After staying here for 5 years....I just realized that my back door (kitchen door aluminium / standard steel sticker is never removed).  MCO - granted me time to review on my back door.  The sticker cover has been really attached to my door after > 5 years of sunshine.

I have tried few time to remove it, either by baby oil, by hand, by vary weapon....i cannot clean it up at all......haaa!

You see - the while color parts are referring to the aluminium sticker cover!

Look very dirty and not organized at all.....................
What?! Why suddenly all the stickers being removed?  What is the magic?
AMAZING....the back door is look so clean and nice now.....who is the helper to make it clean?
ANSWER - This is STICKER REMOVER SPRAY i bought from Lazada last week.
Amazing .....................Less than RM10....but it helped me to clean my back door!!

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