
Friday, September 24, 2021

Samsung Galaxy A52 - 23 SEPT 2021 Purchase

Today - I would say all the retire old folks especially over 60 years old...they are heavy user of smart phone. s

Less than 2.5 years, new phone replacement required. 

I guess two reason -
1.)One is the smart phone quality is deteriorated.  Mostly can TAHAN for two years (For phone price at RM1K to RM 1.8K range products).

2.)Second is the OLD folks heavy user over abuse the phone (using it day and night in HARD MODE).

Last Samsung A50 smart phone is not able to turn on.  Suspected it is a battery fault....BUT after sending to Samsung Service Centre (Sunway Carnival Basement office)....the person - it is BOARD issue.!  Estimated repair cost is RM1041 (without battery cost).  She is suggesting me to replace a new smart phone since it is not a worth it to pay for such high repairing cost.  This is the whole come SAMSUNG GALAXY A52 appearing in below blog.


1.)Market shortage - lacking of SAMSUNG GALAXY A52 (LTE) phone.  No color (other than white) is offered.

2.)No price nego is allowed.  RM1499 (strict pricing).  No free gift given.  Take it or leave it.

3.)No Samsung paper beg given.  They just given a normal XIAOXX plastic since Samsung do not deliver any paper beg for them since mid May 2021.  Covid-19 impact.

Tough life for SELLER and BUYER under pandemic.

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