
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

花胶点心 Fish Maw Dessert From Papa father has prepared this dessert and store it into my freeze just now.

What's that?

It taste good for me...taste like jelly agar agar.......delicious dessert! Thumb Up!!

Thanks papa for this lovely dessert.

花胶即鱼肚,是各类鱼鳔的干制品,以富有胶质而著名,其别名为花胶。胶又名鱼肚,是从鱼腹中取出鱼鳔,切开晒干后而成含有丰富的蛋白质、胶质等 ,食疗滋阴 、固肾培精 , 令人迅速消除疲劳及对外科手术病人伤口有帮助复完之效 。
金钱鳘鱼胶 是为鱼胶之王,非常罕见,一般都被当做收藏品收藏起来,斤价在几十万以上,黄唇鱼这种鱼常年躲在深海洞里,不吃鱼饵,再加上数量稀少,所以正常情况下很难捕捞到它们。金钱鳘鱼胶功效当然非常多,以前曾被当做救命的东西,最最主要的是止血补血的作用,不过收藏的价值远远大于食用的价值。


Tonight I was stumbled when asked the English translation of the Chinese gourmet item 花膠 (literally flower gel). I found out the answer to be "fish maw" at the end.

What is Fish maw?
To start off, fish maw is the dried swim bladders that come from a large fish like a croaker or sturgeon. In Asian culture, it is considered to be one of the top four delicacies of the sea (abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, and fish maw). In appearance, dried fish maw is light, white in color, and have a spongy texture.
In terms of taste, dried fish maw is tasteless, which make it a good complementary addition to many dishes since it can absorb the flavors of other ingredients it is cooked with.

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