
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Coconut Jelly Recipe

How to prepare a world class of COCONUT JELLY?
It is not easy to make a fabulous taste of coconut jelly.  You need to have full of patient, fast action, scale hand and "capitals" in order to cook a good taste of coconut jelly.

1.) You need to buy a fresh coconut water ONE hour you start to cook it.  Cannot one minute early or later to ensure the freshness is suitable for jelly preparation.

2.) One Pack of Jelly Powder need to stir with minimal 4 big packets of coconuts water (4 Big XL Size Coconut).

3.) Please pour all coconut water into a standard steel cookware. Add 400 ml of water and following with 4 small tea spoons of sugar.

4.) Turn on the SENZ STOVE - Electric Power with 10X (Power) with 12 min. 

5.) Adding the Jelly Powder into the standard steel container and stir it with 2 min with 100 horse power. You need adjust down the electric power to 8X with another 3 min.  Then turn off the stove.

6.)  Let the coconut water cool down (estimate 5 - 10 min) before you pour it into any container.

7.)  Keep the container into freeze with 8'C.  You need to keep minimally 8 hours to ensure the coconut jelly will perform it 's best nutrients and natural taste.

(1) Pour all the packets coconuts water into container on stove.

(2)  This is the Coconut Jelly Powder which we can buy in any bakery raw materials shop.

(3)  After the coconut water (adding with sugar and coconut jelly powder) slightly cooling down, you can pour into prepared container.

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