
Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 July Local Trip - Ipoh Shopping / Takpao / Take Away Record (怡保忠记大树头炸料粉 (兵如港))/ 明裕食品 / 源香饼舖

怡保忠记大树头炸料粉 (兵如港)

Choong Kee "Pokok Besar" Restaurant

1213, Jalan King, Taman Hoover, 31650 Ipoh, Perak 

怡保是我还蛮常去的一个地方因为这里美食也是数之不尽的其中一样就是酿料啦。酿料可以算是是怡保特色食物之一。经营了超过24年的忠记搬进去忠记大树头 ...

怡保无人不知的「忠记兵如港口大树头炸料粉」祖传秘方配制酿料,采用豆腐鱼制作酿料。 在众多酿料当中,ᴬᴺᴺᴬ最喜欢沙葛料× yambean fritters 这 .。。。
怡保兵如港忠记大树炸料粉  /  Ipoh Fried Stuffed Fish Cake Noodles
Ipoh 怡保⛰️ 忠记 大树脚 树很多 但是在大树下吃东西你试过吗❓ 今天就吃怡保最最最出名的“釀豆腐 ” 看到排队ORDER 的客人就知道很好吃❗
怡保兵如港忠记大树炸料粉  /  Ipoh Fried Stuffed Fish Cake Noodles
Most local folks loving the noodle soup here with "fried fish cake/ 釀料".

怡保兵如港忠记大树炸料粉  /  Ipoh Fried Stuffed Fish Cake Noodles - Price List + Menu

Choong Kee "Pokok Besar" Restaurant - RM22.60 ( Take back Butterworth for Dinner....and pass some to Lao Dao)

OTHER PURCHASE  : RM14.60 for Red Bean Ice 红豆雪 (3 glass take away - RM4.70+RM4.70+RM5.20 ; RM0.50 if using their plastic container).


明裕食品mingyue confectionery | Ipoh

50, Jalan Peh Kee Koh, Taman Kampar, 31650 Ipoh, Perak

主要售卖招牌花生糖,加央角,小霸王,肉丝饼,小/大礼饼, .
Queue the WRONG line...haaaa!! 死蠢!!Haaa.....💃💃💃💃💃💃
Moon Cake is available now............😊😊😊😊😊😊
Full House as usual.
明裕食品 Price List :
Moon Cake available now.............

明裕食品 Receipt:

***  We did plan to go for 德记酒家 for lunch.....but cancel it due to TOO FULL after heavy breakfast at LEKKO Hakka Noodle loh....... 💔💔💔💔💔💔 ***

Opposite 明裕食品...we can see a BIG TUCK KEE Restauramt...............


JJ Roll Sdn Bhd
no.127, Jalan Bharu, Off, Jalan Kampar, 30250 Ipoh, Perak

The rolls are pretty big, and are certainly value for money considering the fresh and natural ingredients used to make them.

JJ ROLL...."CAKES" only available by 1PM onwards.............

All About JJ ROLL :

JJ Roll Menu and Price List :

JJ Roll Sdn Bhd Receipt :


Guan Heong Biscuit Shop (源香饼舖)
158 & 160, Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Taman Jubilee, 30000 Ipoh, Perak

Guan Heong Biscuit Shop (源香饼舖) Receipt :


Chin Electric go to papa house and repairing the downlight - LED 48W Panel Light RM55 

Too Bright?!

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