
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Relaxing Sunday - Sunway Carnival Buy 1 Free 1 Shopping and Playing with 家宝宝

There is a great event for shopping ...who looking for Buy One Free One.

We go to Summer Dessert and buy the Swiss Roll.............then.... we also buy llao llao Yogurt Ice Cream (of course - another Buy 1 Free 1 deal)...haaa!

 We are the EARLY BIRD come for shopping...grasp all the Buy One Free One Deal....

 We also visit to MI Shop ...we have great interest on this Vacuum Mopping Robot!
 We always love TEA EGG...then we bought it for our lunch later....
 Good Taste....................

Heading back after buying all we need from Sunway Carnival............ 
Sunday evening... 家宝宝 visiting to our house....

Busy to taking care of 家宝宝 for next two hours.......................

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