
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

China Shanghai 上海江南游 Year End Family Trip 2019 - Day 6

Day 6 上午 京杭大运河。杭州香积寺.
Day 6 下午 南浔古镇游览.




京杭大运河 - we are coming today.....the great heritage from China Ancient Wisdom!


京杭大运河- Can you imagine this is made by human hand 2000 years ago?


杭州香积寺 - This is the next stop for our tour.  One of the famous temple in Hangzhou (Accumulated Good Smell Temple).

杭州香积寺 - Is a authentic Chinese Temple.

This is our China 导游 (小尤)。世界仔一名!哈哈!!

Come to temple...what to do?!  Of course need to pray hard for Year 2020.

Tanglung is always one of the Chinese Temple Decoration icons.

杭州香积寺 - Look like Japanese Temple Sign Board - allow the people to make a wish by written their hope on the small card board and hang on the rack.

 MAMA and SON ...........................

杭州香积寺 - White Elephant stand for what?  I believe it is because Buddha Thought is originated from India (Indian always take White Elephants as Animal God)

We are heading for lunch now....


We managed to take some pictures around the BLUE LOTUS RESTAURANT.

湖州南浔古镇游览 : 小桥流水人家-江南经典水乡
 湖州南浔古镇游览 : 小桥流水人家-江南经典水乡
 We always believe China Toilets are dirty .....but I am really caught into a big shock when I was at  湖州南浔古镇.  They have 6 stars toilet.  They even consider UNISEX Toilet after a traditional Male and Female Toilet.
  湖州南浔古镇 - Entrance
  湖州南浔古镇 - Papa and Mama 
  湖州南浔古镇 - Cute Cartoon
  湖州南浔古镇 - Authentic and Classic Feel of Jiangnan.

  湖州南浔古镇 - 木撸船

  湖州南浔- 什么鸟??

  湖州南浔古镇 - 大红灯笼高高挂!
  湖州南浔古镇 - 中国五星红旗!


  湖州南浔古镇 - 小桥

  湖州南浔古镇 - 猫空
  🐱猫的天空之城 -  Stop by here for a quick rest .... since outside is too cold for us.  We need the hot and warm air in this cafe...haaa!

  🐱猫的天空之城 - You can see the river from the transparent glass on the floor.

  🐱猫的天空之城 - Mama like it!

  🐱猫的天空之城 - We took chocolate and latte tea one good tiramisu cake.


 南浔古镇游览 - 到此一游;有脚为证!!

 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景
 南浔古镇- 我们的酒店就在南浔古镇之中。。。

  南浔古镇- 我们的酒店就在南浔古镇之中。。。
 A 5 Star Villa Hotel...I love it so much!


 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景

 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景

 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景

 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景 - 思考 - ??

 南浔古镇游览 - 夜景

Hotel Detail :

Tickets :

OTHER 古老医药方子:
杭州小尤治哮喘偏方 ::  麦东,龙井,胎菊,红枸杞。用85度烧水混煮來喝

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