
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Hsin Kwang Tung Restaurant 新广东小厨

Hsin Kwang Tung Restaurant  新广东小厨

This is the restaurant which almost doing very good business since 15 years ago,
 We can enjoy all the good cantonis food here.

The restaurant just located beside MEGAMALL / PACIFIC Shopping Mall in Prai.

  Hsin Kwang Tung Restaurant  新广东小厨
  Restaurant off on each MONDAY
    The Food MENU :

  Hungary faces.....

   EVERYDAY - we can see PEOPLE HILL PEOPLE SEA (人山人海)。。。

   This is their famous WANTAN NOODLE...We did also order 水饺汤
   This is another famous - 叉烧饭

Lan Je Restaurant Raja Uda Branch

I have been to this Rawang Lan Je Restaurant in Raja Uda couple of times.
It is always famous with it signature dish - STEAM TILAPIA FISH!

The restaurant is OFF on each TUESDAY.

Receipt captured - PRICE RANGE is reasonable.


 Famous statement - ONE PERSON WITH ONE FISH!!
 It is a good advertisement slogan.

  HIGH SECURITY CONTROL leh...........

  PAPA and MAMA thinking what to order??

   I like this FRIED EGG with PRAWN.  Good taste!
  Fried Cattlefish with celery
   Small Dried Prawn with brinjol,,,,,delicious indeed.
  Bitter melon soup,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  This is the SIGNATURE DISH I mentioned - STEAM RIVER TILAPIA FISH.  One person can order one if you love to eat fish..............heee!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Salad Bowl Cafe

Today is replacement off day for us.
We take this opportunity visiting to Salad Bowl Cafe which is located in the new chain ferry road. 

Salad Bowl is a traditional western food cafe...but they have integrated Chinese Cuisine order in their is MIX of EASTERN and WESTERN food.

This is a very old restaurant in Butterworth...however they still able to sustain their food quality and standard after quick such a long time.

 Our SET MENU - Just adding RM5 for you to have coffee/tea, read, soup of the day plus ice cream.

The business here is very good,,,,,,,,,,,almost full house:

I ordered tomato sauce of bologenese spagetti ....
 Grill Chicken  Set - 

I like the entrance castle display here......

Teow Chew Meng Restaurant in Raja Uda

We had our dinner in one old famous Teow Chew Cuisine Restaurant in Raja Uda on Saturday night.

The restaurant name is TEOW CHEW MENG.  

Teow Chew Meng have couple branches in Butterworth and even in Selangor.  One strange thing...Teow Chew Meng branches is open and close depend of the business cycle or P&L performance.

Business is not bad for Teow Chew Meng Raja Uda Branches...they offered Cook Fried and their authentic famous MEE SUAH KOH!

My Mom busy reading the food menu..........

My father also scratching his head to pick the right dinner for himself.....

This is the TEOW CHEW MENG Food MENU :
 They have one HOMEMADE FLOUR VERMICELLI (so called MEE SUAH).
 This is the famous MEE SUAH KOH menu-
NOT CHEAP leh..................................................................
 Famous and very popular in front of newspaper:
 Teow Chew Meng Branches :

We ordered a MANGO Kerabu Salad:

 Vegge is good for health...need to eat more loh......................

  This is FISH MEOW Mee Suah Koh............

 My favorite Traditional Mee Suah Koh -

 My Mon order TOMYAM noodle...

 This is Teow Chew Dessert - ONE (Yam cake)

 Ah Huat like to eat Koay Teow Soup................